Rivers are the lifelines of our planet. They are crucial for both human and animal ecosystems and provide water for irrigation, industry and drinking water. It is vital to preserve the role rivers play by paying attention to their management and maintenance. This includes maintaining water quality and promoting natural processes such as meandering and fish migration, for their long-term resilience and health.

Bart Jacobs Principal Advisor Infrastructure Contact opnemen

The value of meandering to our river landscape

Meandering is the process by which a river naturally twists and turns itself into curves. This process is essential for a healthy river because it helps create a diversity of habitats for different types of animals and plants. Meandering also helps to reduce the force of water, reducing erosion and flooding. However, this natural process can be disrupted by human activities, such as straightening rivers to create agricultural land.

The role of fish migration in river management

Fish migration is another important aspect of river management. Fish are essential to the health of rivers, but they can be impeded by dams and other obstacles that block the river. When they are unable to reach their mating grounds, it can hinder reproduction and endanger the population of a particular fish species.

To promote meandering and fish migration, we need to focus on restoring natural processes and reducing human disturbances. This can include restoring bends in rivers, constructing fish passages to allow fish to migrate safely and creating suitable habitat for different species of animals and plants.

The Grote Nete meanders again

A successful effort to promote meandering and fish migration is the meandering of the Grote Nete. For that project, we were responsible for the detailed design of three fish passages on the Grote Nete and structural restoration on the Heiloop in Balen. We also took care of the environmental permit and the tender dossier. Thanks to this fish passage, brook fish will have more space and opportunities to migrate.

Restoring ecosystems

Sound river management, with measures such as meandering, structural changes and fish passages, plays a vital role in restoring ecosystems. By restoring the natural course of the river and promoting ecological connectivity, it creates diverse habitats and promotes biodiversity. Moreover, it helps improve water quality, control floods and restore lost or damaged habitats, allowing balanced ecosystems to thrive.