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Diversity policy
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Diversity policy Antea Belgium nv

1. Policy statement

Different backgrounds, cultures, perspectives and experiences enrich interpersonal collaboration. Each point of view is a source of innovation and brings vitality to the professional working environment.

Consciously making room for the other and for a new angle leads to better performance. That is Antea Group's conviction. Antea Group has a diverse workforce (see below for our diversity parameters) and is committed to creating and supporting a culture of cooperation at work from this richness of perspectives and cultures.

Such a diverse environment enables Antea Group to take on the role of a guide with greater maturity and sense of interaction with clients and stakeholders. This allows us to guide clients to projects that are relevant within a constantly changing environment.

Based on this vision, Antea Group has developed a Diversity Policy, which aims to include diversity and inclusion as an inherent part of our business operations. With targeted measures, Antea Group aims to support employees in creating a culture where diversity and inclusion are day-to-day practices. Diversity and inclusion are core conditions for realising our purpose.

Encouraging diversity and inclusion

Diversity includes differences in background, gender, age, language, ethnicity, parental status, education, skills, abilities, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, employment and behavioural styles. Promoting diversity and establishing a culture that values differences are a core principle and will be reflected in all Antea Group activities, such as recruitment, training, career development, talent development and retention, flexible working arrangements for employees and all kinds of policies and procedures.

The diversity strategy covers all employees, trainees and temporary hires working for Antea Group. It is underpinned by a comprehensive strategy and translated into a set of policies or programmes. We illustrate with some examples:

  • uEVP: Antea Group has laid down 'Every individual counts' as a key pillar in its unique Employee Value Proposition. Its preamble reads as follows: "A colourful pallet of colleagues ensures an exciting atmosphere every day in a demanding environment. Everyone is bringing in their individuality and that is what we want. We offer customisation to our clients as well as to our employees. Each of us is extraordinary and that enriches our interplay." We translate this uEVP into our culture and approach to our human capital;
  • Leave policy:Antea Group employees have a whole range of leave options that give them options for time not spent at work. This includes e.g. annual leave, maternity leave, parental leave;
  • Possibilities and support to work from home;
  • Learning and development opportunities: to help its employees realise their full potential, Antea Group has a range of internal and external learning and development opportunities and encourages its employees to continue their training;
  • Value-driven organisation and business: Throughout our approach, we establish an inclusive culture. Antea Group promotes an inclusive environment that fully utilises the unique contributions of diverse individuals and organisations to collectively and efficiently create opportunities for all. We emphatically state that within this environment, discrimination, harassment, bullying and prejudice will not be tolerated. To establish an inclusive environment that respects people of all backgrounds and beliefs, Antea Group sets out the following:
    • set up self-organising teams that rely on employees' autonomy, sense of responsibility and entrepreneurship. In these teams, space for dialogue and mutual exchange is the success factor;
    • promote an open and sustainable corporate culture based on mutual respect, dignity, non-discrimination and a spirit of cooperation;
    • assist leads in promoting diversity and inclusion in their teams;
    • ensure that HC policy continues to promote equal opportunities and that there is zero tolerance for discrimination;
    • this diversity policy is available to all Antea Group employees and is published on the website.

The Management and Executive Board sets the tone and is the true sponsor of the diversity and inclusion strategy at Antea Group.

The management is committed to continuing to evaluate progress towards even greater diversity on an annual basis. We map this out by screening our population on various diversity aspects and taking targeted actions to this end. Diversity aspects considered in the reporting are as follows:

  • Gender: gender diversity promotes better market understanding, enhances creativity, provides more effective leadership and fosters effective global relationships. To maintain appropriate gender diversity, Antea Group strives to:
    • identify potential female talent at an early stage,
    • provide opportunities that enable women to achieve their full potential.
  • Age:age diversity in the workplace is part of human capital and ensures a wider spectrum of knowledge, values and preferences. Such age-diverse management will ensure a more dynamic environment with constant movement. Consciously, we focus attention on:
    • older talents, with extensive and in-depth work experience and
    • inquisitive younger talents with great potential.
  • Geographical diversity: geographical diversity is important and correlates positively with good performance, especially in terms of increasing internationalisation of the business and strategy. To encourage geographical diversity, Antea Group aims to effectively consider foreign aspects in candidates' profiles and careers during the recruitment process.