Urban & environmental planning and policy
Urban & environmental planning and policy
In a densely-populated region like Flanders, we strive to create a high-quality living and working environment. High environmental quality is crucial in this context. This is anything but a simple objective, given the many claims from various industries on the space that surrounds us. The user value, the experience value and future value must be simultaneously considered before any interventions. Climate, energy, spatial planning, housing, mobility, nature, etc. must be tackled in an integrated way. An ambition that our design team endorses on a daily basis.
Climate plan
Periods of prolonged drought, the number of heat waves or extreme rain and the intensity of showers have increased sharply as a result of climate change. Combined with the increase use of space and paved surfaces, this only increases the risk of flooding and heat stress. As a result, our living environment is becoming more and more vulnerable. Our climate team offers an integrated approach to arrive at a climate-adaptive design.
Environmental policy
Qualitative environmental policy tackles challenges related to space, the environment, climate, energy, housing, nature, etc. as a whole, searching for measures that reinforce each other. The approach must always benefit society. That is why we always start from creation: the local users are experts by experience, they know their surroundings better than anyone else. Their input is extremely valuable, whether for a spatial policy plan, a rainwater plan, a climate plan, an environmental vision, etc. These innovative communities constitute the natural habitat of our designers.
Subsurface planning
Subsurface planning is becoming increasingly important in the environmental discourse. Currently the idea is to further facilitate pipeline transport as a sustainable means of transport. Setting aside reservation strips - and keeping or making them vacant - throughout the densely-populated territory of Flanders is an intervention with a major spatial and social impact. Another option that is being floated is to use the subsurface as a guiding factor in spatial planning, based on existing and new databases (to be developed). Our team is also a pioneer in terms of subsurface spatial planning, among others as the author of the feasibility study for a pipeline route from the Port of Antwerp to the Rühr Area.

Complex projects
We continually invest in the further development of expertise and experience - including the targeted hiring employees with relevant seniority. Consequently we have the capability to successfully take on complex, multidisciplinary projects. We have thus been actively and directly involved in more than half of the projects that were launched since 2014 under the Decree on Complex Projects, including Kustvisie, ECA and Noord-Zuidverbinding Limburg. Advanced process management is a critical factor for the success of these projects. Our experienced experts excel at this.
Environmental permit
We draw up your permit application file and oversee every aspect of the process. This means we do more than just deliver a file. We also examine the entire environmental and urban development context, in addition to the preconditions. We also assess beforehand whether any additional studies are required (EIA, MOBEIA, etc.). If necessary, we organise a preliminary consultation (project meeting) with the issuing authority and the advisory services. We also defend our case before the environmental permit or consultation committee. Together we study any conditions that are imposed. This is our way of guaranteeing a smooth process.
In a densely-populated environment like ours, spatial plans and projects have an increasingly greater impact. Environmental impact assessments (EIA) are one way to include effects at an early stage and as an important aspect in planning and decision-making. This creates opportunities for testing innovative ideas and solutions that may seem less obvious. Our EIA experts are leaders in their field, because of their comprehensible reports, clear procedures and transparent communication - including with the local residents and civil society. We can assist you as an adviser with the following:
- strategic EIA
- plan and project EIA
- plan and project EIA screening
- exemption files
- mobility check