Did you know that the Flemish landscape used to be characterised by wetlands such as puddles, wet meadows, moors and swamps? Unfortunately, those wetlands have largely disappeared due to centuries of human activity. In recent years, we also see more alternating periods of extreme rainfall and drought due to climate change. With the Blue Deal, the Flemish Government wants to turn the tide and structurally tackle drought and water scarcity. This includes explicitly putting forward wetland restoration as part of the solution. And we at Antea Group are happy to contribute to that.

Water conservation as a prerequisite

Of all European protected habitats, wetlands are in the worst shape. So says the reporting of European member states under the Birds and Habitats Directives. Belgium is not in the best shape either. A comparative map study by INBO and the University of Antwerp shows that we have lost as much as 75% of our wetlands over the past 60 to 70 years. Moreover, the remaining wetlands are of varying quality.

As a prerequisite for the restoration of our wetlands, we should maximise water conservation. This can be done by making streams and rivers meander again wherever possible, raising water levels in valley areas by reducing surface and groundwater abstraction and drainage in agricultural areas, damming drainage ditches in nature reserves as much as possible, ... In addition, measures should also be taken to infiltrate rainwater locally as much as possible so that the severely diminished groundwater reserves can be replenished.

The Wet Nature project

The Blue Deal's Wet Nature project concerns the design and implementation of a multi-year programme for valley restoration and wetland restoration. The restoration and protection of moorlands deserves special attention here, as they can retain the largest amount of water and store a lot of carbon. Restoration and protection of wet grasslands, historical flow pasture systems and meandering of streams and rivers are also part of this programme.

Within the government, Agentschap Natuur en Bos (the Nature and Forest Agency) is jointly responsible for the realisation of Wet Nature projects. To this end, they issued a framework agreement for various plots. Antea Group was selected for the East and West plots. As part of this assignment, we support the ANB's project managers and experts in, among other things, preparing, elaborating, estimating, etc. public contracts or assignments that will be carried out by their own management teams.

Meanwhile, sub-projects are being carried out in Kalmthout, Wuustwezel, Maasmechelen, Willebroek, Schoten and Maldegem. This is how, together with the ANB, we are building a more climate-resilient society and a resilient river landscape.