Today, energy is at the top of the agenda everywhere. This is obviously related to the energy transition to meet climate targets. Price surges in 2022, partly due to the war in Ukraine, have accelerated this process. More than ever, it is necessary as a company to follow the growing energy legislation. The latest change is the mandatory installation of solar panels for large energy users. We looked into what this means for you.
(only available in dutch)

In recent years, we have already seen a steady increase in legal obligations for companies regarding energy saving and the energy transition. These were mainly aimed at energy-intensive companies and new-build projects. Recently, we have also seen these legal obligations extending to all companies as well as to existing buildings.

On 14 and 15 June, two decrees (Decree of 17/02 amending the Energy Decree and Ministerial Decree of 08/05) were published that oblige the installation of solar panels for large-scale consumers. Find out if this applies to you in this environment sheet:

Download the full environmental sheet (in dutch)