Investing in smart energy landscapes is crucial, especially in a world that attaches increasing importance to sustainability and environmental awareness. It combines different renewable energy sources in an intelligent way, impacting both above-ground and underground infrastructure. Just think of biomass wood edges, rooftop solar panels, offshore wind turbines, and underground energy storage or pipeline infrastructure. But why is this so important?

European progress in renewable energy

Renewable energy represented about 23% of all energy consumption in the European Union in 2022.  Sweden, Finland and Latvia were among the top three countries with the highest share of renewable energy. In 2023, the renewable energy share target was raised from 32% to a whopping 42.5% by 2030, with the final target of 45%. This revision speeds up permitting procedures for new power plants, such as solar panels and wind turbines.

Smart choices for local energy generation

Smart energy landscapes use various technologies within a spatial strategy to create a sustainable future. By using biomass from wood edges, rooftop solar panels, offshore wind and underground energy storage, local energy can be efficiently generated and stored. This helps reduce CO2 emissions and promotes the transition to a carbon-neutral economy. The European Green Deal also aims to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, with renewable energy playing a central role.

The road to a sustainable future

Smart energy landscapes need not be a thing of the future; today they are increasingly part of our living environment. To meet climate targets, more governments and companies need to invest in more renewable energy through these innovative solutions. Projects such as Antwerp@C's CO2 backbone and government heat plans are ambitious examples. Smart energy landscapes offer not only environmental gains, but also economic benefits for the participants and opportunities for innovation with embedding in our spatial infrastructure.

Ready to take the step towards a sustainable future using natural energy sources? We are happy to help you with your energy projects, from feasibility study to implementation. Together, we are building the world of tomorrow.

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