In 2009, the European Union drafted the Renewable Energy Directive. With this directive, they wanted to promote the use of renewable energy and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Initially, the directive had a target of 20% renewable energy by 2020 and 32% by 2030. Over the years, regular changes were made to this, and now is no different: this year, as part of 'Fit for 55', the European Commission raised the 2030 target to a whopping 42.5%. Wondering if your organisation will feel these changes? We would be happy to guide you through this energy transition.

What were the initial measures?

The RED (Renewable Energy Directive) is an important tool in the fight against climate change. Its main goal is to make the EU less dependent on fossil fuels. To achieve this, in 2009 they drafted measures to promote the use of renewable energy, including:

  • Setting binding targets for the share of renewable energy in each EU country's energy mix
  • Supporting the development of renewable energy sources through financial support and grants
  • Promoting the development of smart energy technologies
  • Simplifying permit procedures for renewable energy projects


Main modifications

A lot of changes have happened in the RED, and they could have a serious impact on future energy use. The European Commission wants to raise the bar considerably, so we list the main changes:

  • An increased binding renewable energy target for 2030 from 32% to 42.5%, with a target of 45% renewable energy
  • A stronger focus on on- and offshore wind energy development
  • Accelerated approval process for renewable energy (permit flow)
  • New measures to promote renewable energy development in the transport sector
  • An enhanced role for citizens and local communities in the energy transition

Our experts are at your service

How these measures will be implemented at Belgian and Flemish level is unclear for now. What we do know is that the directives must be incorporated by the various European member states from July 2024. It's important to be prepared, and our experts are happy to support you in this energy transition. They help with:

  • The implementation of energy audits and energy balancing
  • The implementation of sustainable energy systems
  • Electrification of processes
  • Energy communities and sharing

Want to get your company ready for this energy transition? Then be sure to consult our white paper "Energy neutral in 6 steps" or contact our experts.

Download the full white paper today


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