In late April, the Green Deal Shared Mobility & Housing was launched, an initiative of the Flemish Government. This deal focuses on creating livable cities where sustainable travel takes precedence over individual car ownership. In June, the first activities took place, marking an important step towards more sustainable housing and mobility solutions in Flanders.

What is the Green Deal Shared Mobility & Housing?

The Green Deal Shared Mobility & Housing is an initiative aimed at promoting sustainable mobility solutions in residential environments. It promotes shared mobility, such as car sharing and shared bicycles, and their integration into housing projects. These green mobility solutions aim to reduce individual car ownership and create a more sustainable living environment in both urban and rural areas. Antea Group is actively contributing to this by participating in focus groups and activities that support these sustainable solutions.

Green Deal Academy and focus groups

The very first Green Deal Academy focused on successful projects that have integrated shared mobility into residential environments. The presentations were delivered in a lively Pecha Kucha style, making the sessions both inspiring and engaging.

In addition to the academy, the first focus groups also took place. Antea Group participated in focus group #2, which explores the success factors of shared mobility in new housing environments, and focus group #3, which focuses on strengthening shared mobility policies. These meetings provided a valuable first introduction to both the other participants and the topics.

En route to the modal shift

At Antea Group, we are fully committed to innovative mobility solutions and see the Green Deal as a catalyst for a sustainable modal shift. One way we do this is by looking at the integration of shared mobility within housing projects.

Shared mobility, including car sharing, plays a crucial role in this transition. Car sharing reduces the need for individual car ownership and offers flexible solutions for various travel needs. This contributes to a more sustainable and efficient use of transportation resources.