For the third year in a row, we’ve achieved the Voka Charter for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (VCDO) for our contribution to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. That’s why, today, we’ve received the international SDG Pioneer certificate from the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). We’re extremely proud, although we know that there’s still a lot of work ahead of us. Therefore, in the years to come, we’ll continue to focus on corporate social responsibility and climate-proofing business. Additionally, we intend to use our pioneering experience to help our fellow consultancy firms getting ahead as well.

Voka’s Sustainable Entrepreneurship Charter has provided us with the tools to look at our entire business and operations from a sustainable perspective. As a result, we’ve managed to anchor sustainability within Antea Group for the past 3 years.
Jan Parys
General Director