Pushing back boundaries for a better world
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Pushing back boundaries for a better world
Do you really want to make the difference? So do we. At Antea Group, sustainability is not a buzzword. It influences all of our choices. From the transport we use to the fair trade coffee that we drink. We are continually working on improving ourselves to make the world a better place. That is why we also invest maximally in innovation and knowledge sharing. Guiding our clients towards ground-breaking solutions, that benefit them and society as a whole. Because that is why we do it.
Sustainable to the core
As signatories of the VOKA Sustainable Entrepreneurship Charter, we have been reviewing all the aspects of our operations from a sustainable perspective since 2017. The result is a detailed action plan in terms of corporate social responsibility and climate resilience. At the end of 2020, we obtained this Charter for the third year running, which earned us the SDG Pioneer certificate. But we are not there quite yet. We continue to raise the bar, year after year. Together with our partners and clients.
Our own climate unit
Like our clients, we consider climate to be a priority. That is why we established a Climate Unit. We use our expertise to take a closer look at our services and those of our clients. We examine how we can better rise to these climate challenges. As such, we also apply the CO2 performance ladder, an environmental management system that was developed in the Netherlands and that measures the climate performance of companies in the construction industry. The Governments of Flanders and Wallonia have agreed to test it until 2022. Regardless of their decision, we are already working on all kinds of CO2 reductions.
Innovation, engrained in our DNA
We are continually searching for new, smart solutions. To ensure our employees, including you, continue to be challenged. We invest in R&D, oversee research projects every year with our innovation platform, and reward ground-breaking ideas with our own Innovation Awards. Of the 89 proposals that were submitted from Belgium, the Netherlands, France and the US, Belgium’s 'Energy Transition Toolbox' was recently declared the winning proposition. It calculates the optimal configuration of an energy production system and the energy networks for a specific area, serving as a catalyst for local energy communities.
We are fans of cycling and public transport
Sustainability is part of our daily life. We therefore advocate the bicycle and public transport for your commute. Employees are eligible for a bus, tram or train pass, as well as a subscription to Velo and Blue-Bike. You can also use lease bicycles or your own company bicycle. It’s a great way to get to the office easily – or even to your client. We are also greening our fleet, adding more and more electric models that you can charge on-site.
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