The DISARM project (Dissemination of Innovative Solutions for Abandoned Sea-dumped chemical Munitions) is a Flemish research project aimed at mitigating the risks associated with the marine munitions dump site "de Paardenmarkt" in the North Sea. The dump site, located just one kilometre from the Belgian coast, is estimated to contain some 35,000 tonnes of conventional and chemical munitions dumped after the First World War. Antea Group conducted stakeholder sessions to look for innovative solutions to monitor, salvage and/or cover the munitions.

The DISARM project

The DISARM project aims to increase knowledge about the Paardenmarkt dumpsite, including its risks and innovative mitigation measures. The fact that the munitions are buried under sediment and its proximity to densely populated areas and important port make the Paardenmarkt site unique. Researchers from several universities, among others, have been working to understand the physical and chemical characteristics of the dump site and munitions, the impact on the marine environment and possible biological remediation strategies.

Collaboration through stakeholder sessions

Antea Group was commissioned by VLIZ to carry out a technology solutions study in line with work package 7 of the DISARM project. This work package consisted of two phases:

  1. Explore knowledge gaps, new technologies and best practices in monitoring, remediation and clearance strategies for ammunition dumps, taking into account Paardenmarkt preconditions and risks.
  2. Organisation of stakeholder sessions involving companies to identify innovative solutions for munitions disposal or capping. This resulted in valuable knowledge exchange.

The DISARM project illustrates the power of cooperation between different partners and offers new perspectives for maritime safety. We are convinced that the results of this research will have a positive impact on the Paardenmarkt's current and future management strategies. We look forward to the next steps within this and future projects.