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Rainwater axis Edegemsesteenweg Kontich

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Climate-proof and safe redesign of public space

Kontich is working on a safe, circular and climate-proof design of the public space. Along the Edegemsesteenweg, a strategic climate or rainwater axis was created that makes a green-blue connection between the center area of the municipality and the valley of the Edegemsebeek. This rainwater artery prevents flooding in the center districts during heavy rainfall and ensures the sustainable management and visible anchoring of rainwater in the public space.

The assignment

The project promised to be both socially and politically challenging. After all, the project area had a pronounced traffic function within the small-town fabric. Road safety and residential and residential quality were severely suppressed by king car. In the area, there was little quality greenery and grayish paving was dominant. Moreover, at the start of the project, the urgency to anticipate climate change when redesigning center streets was generally low in Flanders.

Nevertheless, from the beginning the municipality set high climate ambitions for the project, which had to realize a turnaround in Kontich in terms of sustainable design of public spaces, even in typical downtown areas. It was the first project for the municipality to think about climate adaptation in the urban environment in such a thorough way.

The solution

By thinking out-of-the-box from the beginning of the design process in combination with a thorough participation and communication process with as many stakeholders as possible, it was possible to gradually create greater awareness and increasing support for the increasingly conscious handling of rainwater. This is reflected in the project by separating rainwater and wastewater as much as possible, as well as focusing on reuse, infiltration and retention of water at the source.

Thus, the existing playground was transformed into a water playground with an important water storage function. A children's council decided, together with the residents, on the choice of play equipment and layout. Subsequently, a green-blue connection was created along the Edegemsesteenweg through the construction of various wadis and open canals parallel to new safer cycling and walking paths.


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© Aquafin

The water square in the shape of a soup bowl with soup ladle is the eye-catcher of the rainwater axis

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© Besix

A large buffer basin is installed under the water playground to provide delayed drainage of water from uphill streets through a plastic pipe system

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Side view of water playground design

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The school environment of the VTI with central moat and safe crossing after the works. The green-blue view softens the streetscape.

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Design sketch for renewal of one of the school environments on Edegemsesteenweg

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VTI's grayish school environment before the works

The results

For Kontich, this project has become the fundamental building block and catalyst for the continuation of a climate-proof policy and further village core renovation.

With the separation of sewage water, the realization of wadis, canals and a playground with underlying buffer basin, flooding has become a thing of the past. The water square thereby ensures a climate-robust optimum by retaining and storing precipitation where it falls and evenly discharging the water elsewhere. 

Coupling opportunities were valorized in the redevelopment: the previously traffic unsafe environment was transformed into a functionally pleasant environment with public greenery and water features. Today, the Edegemsesteenweg is safer with clearer signage and more space for cyclists and pedestrians. Kontich again has a place where young and old can meet, relax and enjoy the greenery with increased biodiversity.

Climate-proof and safe redesign of public space

We can see that it works. Those in need of inspiration to convince people are always welcome to come and see our examples.

Willem Wevers
Alderman Kontich (database Publieke Ruimte)

Partners and collaborators

The reconstruction of the Edegemsesteenweg road required a transdisciplinary approach. Our experts in infrastructure, water, environment and space worked together with the Municipality of Kontich, Aquafin, Besix, De Lijn, Agency for Roads and Traffic and the utility companies.


With this project, we support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG 3 - Goede gezondheid en welzijnSDG 11 - Duurzame steden en gemeenschappenSDG 13 - KlimaatactieSDG 14 - Leven onder waterSDG 15 - Leven op het landSDG 16 - Vrede, justitie en sterke publieke dienstenSDG 17 - Partnerschappen

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