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Environmental services
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Environmental services

Environmental policy imposes requirements on how we live and work together. We are continually having to balance the possibilities and limitations thereof. Antea Group has a team of experts and advertisers, who are skilled in various environmental disciplines. They perform environmental impact assessments as well as policy preparation and policy support studies relating to the environment and spatial planning. You can always count on them for reliable advice.

Environmental management

The complexity of the environmental requirements that are imposed on governments, companies and citizens is continually increasing. You can contact us for a preliminary assessment of the environmental impact, for all environmental advice and for assistance with your environmental administration. Experienced specialists and certified experts are happy to share their experience in a multitude of environmental disciplines and provide efficient assistance to you. We always take your specific situation and long-term vision into account. Thanks to our multidisciplinary approach, we can oversee integrated projects, enabling you to use the time spent on coordination to focus on your core business in addition to giving you the certainty of an efficient and hassle-free implementation.

Environmental coordinator

The appointment an environmental coordinator is mandatory for most class 1 companies. As it's not always feasible for a company to appoint an internal environmental coordinator, many rely on external consultants. Antea Group already acts as an external environmental coordinator for hundreds of companies. Our experts independently carry out environmental audits and studies, set up and maintain environmental management systems, and monitor the new environmental legislation for your company. In short, they'll take all environmental concerns off your hands for a lower cost than an internal environmental coordinator.

Environmental services
Environmental services


An environmental audit is a company audit that focuses on environmental aspects. It can be difficult to take targeted measures to comply with legislation, to reduce nuisance and environmental levies without first gaining an insight into the installations and operations onsite - and establishing a link with the environmental aspect. Each audit is an individual analysis, that gives rise to specific and realistic proposals. We can also assist you with the implementation of the proposed actions.

Environmental management system / ISO 14001

We guide you in drawing up your environmental management system in accordance with ISO 14001 or another norm. In order for an environmental management system to work, it must be supported by the entire company. That's why we usually act as an advisor and process manager, while the implementation happens internally as much as possible. Nevertheless, if there's a lack of time or capacity in your company, we can also take care of the implementation for you. In that case, we first assess the corporate culture to develop a system tailored to your company. We then always start with an audit and help with your environmental policy statement, manual and register of legislation. We also train future internal auditors and guide you through the pre-audit.

Environmental sheets

We regularly draft summaries of new or changed environmental legislation. In so doing, we always strive to represent this complex legislation in a way that is easy to understand and more specific. You can download our free environmental sheets here.

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